September 8, 2024

6Posted by Robert-Jan Broer on

Horloges is a Dutch glossy magazine on … watches. I have been a reader of it since day one, and in one of the first editions my website (then still very active) got mentioned. As well as Ernie’s WatchUSeek website and some others. Anyway, the magazine started out with not very spectacular articles about watches and watch brands (but hey, one tries to read everything about his/her passion, right?) and grew out to a magazine with quite a number of in-depth articles on watches, brands and used techniques. Once a year they organize a ‘Horloges Gala’ to choose a few ‘watch of the year’ watches in several price ranges. One of the few things I really dislike about the magazine (but this is the case with 00/24 magazine as well, another Dutch magazine with a very similair concept) is the ever ongoing interviews and pictures with famous Dutch people (from television or sports, see picture below for example) who seem to have a dozen of expensive watches.

Anyway, Horloges magazine is celebrating its 5th year with an anniversary edition (with a matching silver color). I don’t have a picture of it yet, but that might change soon. I bought it last saturday, and when I got home and unwrapped the plastic I was immediately dissapointed. The extra thick edition wasn’t filled with extra hot news and articles… it seems to be some sort of recap of several articles and editions from the past 5 years. So thanks Horloge Magazine, I have bought a summary of the magazines which already are properly sorted and lined up in my bookshelf. Just what I needed.

Oh well, I will keep on buying these magazines anyway… Congratulations with this mileage and I hope to see another 5 added (at least)…